Émilien Auclair

l'amour est la poésie des sens
-Honoré de Balzac


Name: Émilien Auclair
Age: 39
Nameday: 15e Sun of the 1th Astral Moon
Patron God: Halone
Race: Elezen (Wildwood)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Status: Single (monogamous)

Physical & Details

Height: 217 cm
Hair: Black
Eyes: Orange
Build: Has a lean but toned body, after having to manipulate heavy weapons and training over the years he has grown quite muscular.
Profession: Former astrologian, Chirurgeon.
Languages: Common, Ishgardian
Voice: Soft and tender voice, with a slight ishgardian accent
Residence Ishgard


  • Romance books of dubious quality.

  • All things that are adorable.

  • A good sleep

  • High-quality clothing

  • Fashion

  • Calm

  • Studying

  • Theater pieces


  • The feeling of texture upon his hands.

  • Tea

  • The lack of communication

  • Loneliness

  • Uncalculated risk

  • People taking advantage of his kindness


  • - He can see the aether of people. He won't say anything but will take note of an aether he finds interesting.

  • - He always wears gloves no matter where he is. If he touches you without a glove, he trusts you entirely

  • Jobs proficiency: (I need to think lol)

Notable Objects

  • Old sealed letter.

  • Bracelet encrusted with a small talisman.


Émilien is a very calm man. At first glance, one could have the impression that he is distinguished, unapproachable. He gives the feeling of being a serious man who has no time to waste on things that seem insignificant to him. However, that all changes when you get to know him. When he feels comfortable in your presence, his behavior changes, he becomes gentler, more attentive to the emotions of others, more generous. He's not one to make conversation, preferring to keep to himself. Although, if someone tries to talk to him, he'll take the time to listen. He'll take note of what you tell him, about your character, your prestance. However, do not expect to learn anything of substance about him. He will only tell you half-truths and talk in circle. When he doesn't like something he will let you know tactfully at first and then more frankly. He doesn't judge people by the rumors that are out there and although he is used to it since he lives in Ishgard, he will take the time to observe you before deciding to help you or cut ties. With an inquisitive and even obsessive tendency at times, when he embarks on a mission or a project, he puts his heart and soul into it. Rarely will he go back on his word, which makes him a loyal and trusted ally.

Summary of Life

''La vie ne se perd qu'une fois, souvenons nous de cette loi...''Émilien was born in Old Sharlayan. Even as a child, he was interested in the art of astrology. In spite of the numerous trips back and forth due to the nature of his fathers work, he managed to continue studying... though at the expense of his social life. A little more stability came when his family settled in Ishgard for good. Due to his fathers side of the family being nobility from an affluent house, his stable life was pleasant to say the least.Time passed with the seasons. The elezen finished his studies and quickly became a chirurgeon and astrologian with remarkable abilities. With this knowledge, he took care of the war wounded. The war was never ending, and if it wasn't for his beloved and his family, he wouldn't have known how he could have continued to serve in the war effort.Love makes one foolish, that Émilien knew all too well. The mere sight of his wife's battered body was enough to drive him mad. Nothing could console him, not even his family. His distress and melancholy were clouding his thoughts, and this led him to make a decision... a decision to bring his beloved back from the dead.[...]As someone that saw countless lives shattered during the war, when the truth of the Church came to light, his faith was shaken. He refused to believe it, all of those sacrifices, all of those lives he couldn't save. Those that he saw die... all for a lie. The weight of the world fell on his shoulders when he could no longer run from the truth. At that moment, he realized that this almost obsessive devotion was just a way for him to avoid his emotions. The reality that he was unwell. He needed to find himself once more.''Maintenant tout ce que nous pouvons faire c'est vivre''


IshgardHe studied in Sharlayan the art of astromancy and medicine. Maybe were you in the same classes or the same school.He was a healer and a chirurgeon during the Dragonsong War. Maybe you met him while he was patching you or someone else up. He may or may not recognize you. Although he won't bring it up himself.Being born as a noble you may have met him through balls or meetings.Stylish
Even fashion is very important to him. Often in his free time, you can find him in shopping districts or scrounging through your own inventory of goods.
He also likes to own weapons that match his clothes. Do you sell weapons? He will definitely be interested.Loss of aetherWhen around healers he seems noticeably envious and a tad bit jealous. The feeling is amplified around astrologians.Even if he is working on it himself in his free time, he is looking for someone that would be willing to work with him to find a way to make him regain control of his aether like he once had.Death
Is something that he has difficulty talking about. He understands that life can only be lost once, but he still wonders....

About the Player

Hiii! My name is Édel, I am quite new to RP when it comes to ffxiv. I have done RP in D&D for 9+ years. Now that I am no longer in a campaign I would love to continue developing characters with other people and interact with everyone's wonderful oc's. I'm not really good at approaching people but I do enjoy it when people approach me OOC or RP so do not hesitate.I would love to have long-term RP, Dark/Mature is prefered casual is a bit less my speed!Since I am over 18+ I would rather RP with people over 18+. No minors, please.Shipping and all thatRomance is not my main focus for rp. He is a bit of a difficult character to get into a relationship with since he keeps his distance from anything romantic when it comes to himself.Erp is fine as long as it makes sense in the story.Do not mix OOC and ICIf your character is hostile please warn me before, too many times before people have treated my character like he was me. Which, he is not.English is not my first language so forgive me if there are mistakes while I RP with you. Do not hesitate to ask me what I mean when you do not understand!At the end of the day all I ask is for you all to act right.if afk leave me ya discord!

PS: Thanks to Levi for creating this template for me and Pirran for saving the English on this carrd. kissies for you two ♥️ ♥️ ♥️Carrd updated on may 19th 2024.